
Predicting When Kickers Get Iced with {tidymodels}

I’m constantly on the lookout for things I can use for future posts for this blog. My goal is usually two-fold. First, what is a tool or technique I want to try/learn and second is there an interesting data set that I can use with those tools.

Examining College Football Conference Realignment with {ggraph}

In my previous post I looked at College Football Non-Conference games to create a network map overlaid on top of the United States using the {ggraph} package. In this post I’ll be extending that to examine Conference Realignment, which is when colleges change from one conference to the next.

Exploring College Football Non-Conference Rivalries with {ggraph}

We’re in the middle of College Football’s bowl post-season and I’d been wanting to do a more in-depth post on networks using {tidygraph} and {ggraph} for a while. So now seemed like as good a time as any to explore some College Football data.